Understanding the socio-economic context


To sum-up this sequence, we can say that the cost of a university course must be weighed up against the short and mid-term benefits to the economic sector targeted.

An in-depth analysis of the economic context must indicate the most pertinent choice of level of education in which to invest: secondary education, higher education courses or degree courses, and the careers to train for, following current and short-term trends. Numbers of graduates to train annually for these careers must also be calculated.

The main consideration, before any other, is to put the career prospects of the student first.

The analysis of the socio-economic, institutional and educational contexts (seen in the following sequence) can be influential in the success of your training course project. This phase of analysis will put you in touch with the professionals and academics who will be closely involved in its development and who will become a new or consolidated member of the professional network linked to the university.

The socio-economic analysis will provide an assessment of the potential of the course according to needs and existing competition. This analysis is one of the steps which must not be overlooked before starting a project for a new course or a project to revise an existing course.

Once again, we insist on the importance of the utility of this analysis carried out before engaging any plans of action.

As a reminder, the objectives of the sequence were to allow you to :

  • Ask useful questions to decide the usefulness and relevance, for economic demand, of designing / reforming training ;

  • Identify the various possible sources and types of information / resource organizations to gather information on important socio-economic and political trends ;

  • Explain the interest of a prospective approach in the design and renovation of a training course.

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Continue your training by discovering Sequence 3 :

> Sequence 3: Understand the institutional and academic context

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