Agrarian System Analysis and Diagnosis

Step of Agrarian System Analysis and Diagnosis

Thus, Production System modelling or typology is a complex analysis of external factors (agro-ecosystem transformation, Technical change and Socio-eco-political change) and internal factors (Land, labour force, Capital). All these conditions influence the choice of farmers in combining the different rice cropping systems in order to survive in a specific ecosystem or to increase their productivity (Barral et al., 2012). The whole study is trying to explain, “Why individual farmers adopt specific rice production systems?” Agrarian System Analysis and Diagnosis could be summed-up into 3 stages as in Table -1 below.

Table -1 : Step of agrarian system analysis and diagnosis

Landscape reading

This is a stage of understanding the agro-ecosystem and zoning. Started by observation of the agro-ecosystem and vegetations, the question “why” guides us to meet the elderly and local people for a better understanding of land use change in study zone.

Historical study

The current agricultural situation is the fruit of a long or medium term evolution. This study is trying to identify the key factors of change, which create the actual agricultural practices.

Production system modeling and performance economic calculation

This stage leads us straight into economics field. The comparison of performance economic (Value-Added (VA) and Agricultural Revenue per active) of production system will clarify and explain why in the same region farmers practice different production systems.

Adapted from literature (Cochet and Devienne, 2006a; Dufumier, 2006; Cochet et al., 2007; Cochet, 2012).

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