Agrarian transition and opportunity windows for agroecological innovation

"Maize boom", agricultural expansion and intensification

The "maize boom" has had very important consequences for land cover, land use and smallholder agriculture in the two study regions. It has led to a rapid conversion of forest and fallow lands, agricultural expansion, the replacement of upland rice by hybrid maize, and a generalization of intensive agricultural practices (e.g. mechanical ploughing and use of pesticides).

The figure above shows the land cover and land use changes that have occurred in Kham basin of Xieng Khouang Province between 2002 and 2010, that is, right at the time of the "maize boom". The transition from 2002 to 2006 is marked by very significant deforestation in and around the basin and a rapid expansion of maize cultivation without major changes in the surface cultivated in paddy rice. The transition from 2006 to 2010 is marked by some reforestation around the basin but continued expansion of maize cultivation in the basin and a slight expansion of paddy rice surfaces.

Similar dynamics of deforestation and rapid agricultural expansion can be observed during the same period in southern Sayaboury Province

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