Understanding the socio-economic context

Example Data from the 'Employment 2022' Survey

To help accompany work routines and work profiles which are evolving due to changes in demography, technology and economy the French Prime Minister ordered surveys which have been carried out over the last 15 years, to study the stakes and the prospects for careers and qualifications in France. These changes in employment, have been taking place over the last few decades

The third example is a survey carried out from 2008 to 2014. This is a study of how manpower has been and will be changing and expected differences in job profile, by profession before 2022.

Read the whole document (in French) :

Rapport sur l'évolution des métiers en 2022

This survey provides data which can enrich the thought process when planning courses, when exploring study trajectories or considering career prospects for an individual. Changes in the economy and fluidity of the job market can be more easily anticipated.

The reliability of the information must however be put into context. The projections are not certain and are affected by the context at the time of the survey. The macro-economy was dominated by a severe financial and economic crisis and the demography was affected by the retirement of the baby-boom generation.

The next few years will be marked by retirement which can be estimated fairly accurately thanks to the 'age pyramid' statistics of current employees, for each profession. However, a return to economic growth and technological advances cannot be calculated.

A few new trends have come to light: the expansion of the tertiary sector of the economy, the feminisation of the labour market and the polarisation of employment around the two extremes in level of qualification, leaving many of those with qualifications in the centre of that scale, without work.

This report is the fruit of deeply rooted macro-economic reflection and the careful analysis of evolving careers and qualifications. This report benefits, also, from information emanating from exchanges with numerous important figures in the economy at regular intervals along the survey.

This collective work has become an important tool of reference for projects involving career and qualification prospects.

Notable Conclusions Drawn from this Study, in the Agriculture and Fishery Sectors


Something that is common to all sectors is the lack of newly created jobs. 80% of job offers concern replacing people who are retiring. (maximum)

All sectors across the board

This type of survey can give information about which professions will be hiring the most people.

ExampleAgriculture, Fisheries and the Marine Sector

The decrease in numbers of crop farms and livestock farms is slowing after a significant drop in the 90s

There is a slight increase in the number of associated service industries.

Evolution and projections observed in the Agriculture, Fisheries and Marine Sectors

Same conclusions, in percentages, with low impact on trends in the explored scenarios.

Evolution in employment in the Agriculture, Fisheries and Marine Sectors 2012 - 2022

ExampleIndustrial Processing Sector

Pharmaceuticals and the Food Industry will see a slight rise in qualified jobs. The industrial processing sector will decrease the number of posts available to qualified and unqualified manual workers.

Evolution in employment in the Industrial Processing Sector 2012 - 2022

ComplementFor further information (in French) :

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