"This sequence focuses on the analysis of the economic sector."
The analysis of the economic sector is not automatically considered when creating a training course. The same can be said of the analysis of the academic sector and also of the whole engineering process involved.
Working at the interface between university, professional life and research, interactions will reveal the need for training or a shift in focus of a course. This sequence proposes ways to stimulate profitable intercommunication between the three worlds; the intended goal being the implementation of training courses which are designed with great precision to train people to satisfy the exact needs of the future employers.
The university will pool the information coming from the different sources: professionals from the private sector, professors and teaching staff, researchers, Ministries etc. A decision taken by the University Board of Governors to initiate a training course project will trigger the analysis of the economic and academic contexts. The creation of a new course or strategic realignment of an existing course will have consequences on the reputation of the university. Confirmation of the project will depend on the results of the scrutiny of the economic and academic contexts which define the positioning of the new course.
This sequence will give you insight into the methods you can use in order to interact efficiently with professionals and researchers.
The creation of a new course or strategic realignment of an existing course will have consequences on the reputation of the university.
Confirmation of the project will depend on the results of the scrutiny of the economic and academic contexts which define the positioning of the new course.