Analyze the jobs and skills expected

How to Build a Vision from Multiple Inputs

Create a new course for your establishment! What a good idea! Wait! To prepare for what kind of job? and to develop which skills? You cannot create a course without analysing the employment prospects and defining the skills required.

In order to carry out this analysis you must consider three sorts of question which provide the multiple inputs necessary to build a complete vision of the trained professional.

The needs of the economy and of the profession are expressed by employers, staff, entrepreneurs and former students.

The needs of society are voiced by students, families and the civic society.

The needs of institutions are formulated by universities, according to their academic requirements and the professor's demands.

The needs of policy makers concern law and the legal environment.

Who should be interviewed?

This list can be extended to suit various contexts and situations. Here, it serves to illustrate the point.

Economic/Professional Needs

Social Needs

Institutional /Political Needs

  • Large companies

  • Small and medium -sized companies

  • State-owned and public services, market opportunities

  • The informal sector

  • Former students, networks, associations

  • Other

The people to question:

→ The staff

→ The management

Students, families and society:

How do they see things? How do they see the future? and and How do they fit in?

According to defined goals is there a profile which can be considered as priority?

Correlate student profile and the professional world

Do students need professional experience during their course?

How do students see their future?

What do students already know about the work context?

What do they know and what have they done towards their individual professional project? Have they written their professional information sheet? and have they prepared for an interview?

What do they think of their meetings with professionals so far?

To understand the legal framework and legislative constraints texts can be consulted for information on agricultural, food industry, processing industry policy, employment, education, training course and life long learning.

Questions can also be addressed directly to the educational establishments:

  • professors can inform you on research topics,skills, approaches, requirements etc.

  • Boards of Directors can give information on school projects

The way you design and use the survey will determine the pertinence and efficiency to your project.

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