Extension of Conservation Agriculture in Madagascar

How to Understand the Local Context ?

As an agronomist you have to be able to analyse the local context, both at a farm level and at a regional level. For this, it is crucial to use good monitoring systems and to use different forms of platforms were farmers and partners can get involved in the development right from the beginning. It is more probably that the projects aims are adapted to the actual need of the local farmers if they have representatives in the project from the start. If the goals are set in the beginning of the project, there will be hard to meet the local needs during the work. For instance, the conservation agriculture has been very successfully in many parts of the world. But this doesn't mean that it will be useful everywhere. Discuss which tools you as agronomist can use in order to find out if a farming technique is compatible with local methods and customs or not.

Approvement of the hillsides soil quality after several years of workInformationsInformations[1]
  1. Eric Penot, Cirad

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