This chapter provides you some ideas of what we think is important in an extension process. The work can be done in different ways. If you follow this course together with other students we propose that you work together in groups of 2 to 5 persons. If you are doing this course individually, take the opportunity to use the forum. In that way you get some part of the discussion anyway. There are of course not any ready-made solutions and the forum is a tool for sharing different perspectives. If you already have own experiences of an extension process, try to colour the discussion with real examples.
1. Read the text
2. Discuss in small groups, 2-5 students.
To start the discussion you can use the following questions (but you are free to use them in what order you want and to make up other questions)
What in the text is new to you?
Is there anything that you do not agree with?
Is there anything you would like to add?
3. For each paragraph, try to give at least one concrete example of how you could apply the idea into practice. Write down your ideas and post them at the forum to share them with others!
And do not forget: have F U N!