Identify the Skills Needed
The global procedure
Various ways to identify skills to build
The challenge here is to understand what the expected skills are, from the point of view of professionals. There are various ways to consult them, which will depend on the state of the relationship between them and the institution. Among these different modalities, we can cite, in a non-exhaustive way:
Document consultation (job descriptions, job offers, job performance evaluations ...)
Survey of professionals: this modality implies the existence of an appropriate database, a good return rate or interviewers available
Qualitative individual interviews with professionals: this involves having access to a representative sample of people, available
Observations (in work situation): implies having time and access to companies
Workshops / Focus groups with professionals and their employers (separately): Organizational issues need to be addressed; place; availability; representation of invited guests; animation...
Work with students back from internship
Consultation of professionals belonging to the governing bodies of the institution
In the next part, we focus on organizing an investigation. This modality is not in itself the best nor the only one to use; it is best to combine different sources of information.