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Upstreem - University & ProfeSsional TRaining Engineering to Enhance eMployability


With this online training course you will learn about the main concerns in training course engineering.

You will discover the interest of this approach for designing a new course and for updating an existing course. There is a sequence of steps to follow which guarantees that the course design is ideally adapted to needs and the students who follow it will become operational professionals.

This training session has been created as part of the TradPro project in partnership with 24 partners including 12 universities in Europe, Russia and Kazakhstan, in the aim of providing a framework for training course engineering for a range of traditional food processing courses.

The financial backing for the project has been provided by the European Union's « TEMPUS » programme. The European Tempus project contributes to the modernisation of higher education in Eastern European, Central Asian, Balkan and Mediterranean partner countries.

The Tempus programme promotes cooperation between partner establishments by focusing on the reforms and updating of higher education systems in the partner countries.

The responsibility for the overall coordination of the project lies with the Montpellier SupAgro Department : DEFIS (Development, Expertise, Training and Agricultural Engineering for southern countries) based at the Institute for Higher Education in Tropical and Sub-Tropical Agri-Food Sciences (IRC).

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Course Objectives :

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Contents : two ways to use online resources

1) You can follow the course sequence by sequence :

2) You can also navigate from one sequence to another by clicking on the titles in the arrow below (it is recommended to previously attend at least the sequences 0 and 1) :

The key steps to optimize the impact of a training

Links to module Professionalisation in higher educationLinks to module Develop the overall program curriculum and build teaching unitsLinks to module Analyze the jobs and skills expected Links to module Understanding the socio-economic context Links to module Understand the institutional and academic context
Click on titles to access the modules
Logo de Montpellier SupAgroLogo du projet TradPro

Project Manager Frédéric Mens - DEFIS Engineer (Development, Expertise, Training and Training Course Design for the South) of Montpellier SupAgro, Head of food projects.

Pedagogy :
Carole Lambert
Christophe Lesueur
Frédéric Lhoste
Frédéric Mens
Jérôme Thonnat

Digital design
Sarah Clerquin
Julien Rose

Audiovisual production
Thierry Delaunay
Jean-Louis Porreye
Edgar Santander

Elie Ly-Kok

Géraldine Aumasson
Aurélie Chassagne
Heidi Despinoy
Mélanie Duppi
Sylvia Guglielmi
Isabel Martin-Grande
Marie-Laure Navas
Myriam Perez Dumoulin
Léo Pichon
Fabien Prévot

Translations (English and Russian)
Elaine Bonnier
Danielle Mornet
Olga Kakaveshka