Analyze the jobs and skills expected

The Connection Between the Job and the Course

It is effective to divide up the functional know-how of the professional into skills which can be acquired before starting the job

From the professional role, in a specific field of work, to a list of skills required

From the reality of the job to course contents...LINK « J-T» (Job-Training) :

Skills can then be broken down into know-how - to know how to be.

These 3 components then make it possible to identify what, in the training will be the object of course (knowledge & expected knowledge). The know-how and the know-how lead to reasoning what the contents of training will offer in terms of TP, TD, internships, works of groups ... etc, all modalities which allow the students to develop real capacities professional, operational, in various situations.

Here we see how the job-training-employment nexus can be realized.

We will return to these questions in sequence 6 of this course.

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